Tag Archives: Spirit of Prophecy

The Congruency of the Bible’s Messianic Message

Why did the Old Testament require a specific number of sacrifices for each of the Bible’s seven holy days? What was the Messianic significance of the apostle Paul’s “middle wall of partition”? Did the apostle Matthew arrange Yeshua’s lineage to show a connection between the Bible’s calendar, the Torah’s sacrificial system, and the prophecies of a coming Messiah?

This week I will answer these questions in a new video presentation which takes you on a thrilling exploration of the Bible’s Messianic symbolism. Starting with the basics of Bible prophecy I explore the Biblical feast days, the significance of the number and order of the sacrificial system, the thrilling Messianic symbolism of Matthew 1, and our Creator’s heavenly “Rolex” – all within the context of the Spirit of Prophecy. Like never before, you’ll see the congruency of the Bible’s message of YHWH’s salvation, our Yeshua. Continue reading