Tag Archives: Abia

7 Weeks until the Messiah

If you’re a Christian, during this past month of December you’ve probably thought about the twelve days of Christmas or the Advent, two countdowns which lead to the commemoration of the birth of Christ. If you are of Jewish or Messianic faith, the eight days of Hanukkah and the festival of lights were in your thoughts during this wonderful time of year. Today, I’d like to tell you about a prophecy in the Bible which connects these two traditions in a wonderful way. What I’m talking about is the prophecy which tells us that there would someday be 7 Continue reading

Christmas and the Course of Abia (Abijah)

Have you ever wondered why the birth of Yeshua (Jesus) is celebrated on December 25th? Most of us take this date for granted but what Biblical evidence is there to support it? Was is made up or is there a basis in real Bible history?

Today, I’d like to explore these questions and provide you with some reasonable Biblical evidence for timing the birth of our Savior.

Now, I know this is a controversial subject for some. On one side of the spectrum are those who believe that the 25th of December was in fact the birth date of Yeshua. On the other side of the spectrum are those who believe nothing about this date has a basis in Biblical history. Then there are those who believe the date doesn’t matter so much as what the date represents.

Personally, my belief is that context is always important. Wonderful insights in the Bible’s redemptive message are often gleaned by simply placing people and events in their proper context. This is especially true of Yeshua the promised Messiah.

So today let’s place the birth of Yeshua in its chronological context. Continue reading